Leaderboard • Badminton HobbyLiga in Łódź • HobbyLiga.pl

Badminton HobbyLiga in Łódź


Matches Points Opponent strength sets Points
Piotr D.
28 152 28:4 671:420 (251)
2. +2
Paweł S.
28 148 28:4 662:456 (206)
3. -1
Jerzy K.
24 161 24:8 635:470 (165)
4. -1
Krzysztof K.
24 139 24:8 606:406 (200)
5. +5
23.Bartosz K.
18 160 18:14 573:524 (49)
6. -1
9.Andrzej J.
18 159 18:14 592:459 (133)
7. +2
11.Piotr S.
18 88 18:6 458:373 (85)
8. +3
63.Piotr G.
17 123 17:15 561:571 (-10)
9. -2
32.Michał O.
16 139 16:16 535:508 (27)
10. -4
Makary H.
16 122 16:16 527:548 (-21)
11. -3
17.Robert T.
16 120 16:16 567:530 (37)
12. +1
Grzegorz G.
16 106 16:16 583:559 (24)
13. -1
Mateusz P.
15 116 15:17 527:610 (-83)
14. +2
27.Robert Z.
13 117 13:19 479:544 (-65)
15. +7
49.Bartosz K.
12 73 12:16 425:497 (-72)
16. -2
Rafał G.
11 136 11:21 473:570 (-97)
17. -2
57.Przemysław Z.
11 135 11:21 528:609 (-81)
Artur K.
11 106 11:21 466:596 (-130)
19. -2
Dawid M.
9 115 9:23 490:616 (-126)
20. -1
Natalia M.
8 54 8:16 303:413 (-110)
Magdalena G.
6 91 6:26 429:639 (-210)
22. -2
Mateusz S.
5 78 5:19 304:476 (-172)

The most important criterion for leaderboard ranking is number of points won. It is the followed by opponent strength, which is the sum of all of the points scored by the opponents you have played so far.